Kirkus Review of Unique
Interview about Unique in Psychology Today by Abigail Fagan
Feature about Unique in Johns Hopkins Magazine
Review of Unique in the New York Times by Robin Marantz Henig
Feature about Unique in Johns Hopkins Medicine magazine
Excerpt from Unique about the limitations of memory in Popular Science
Review of Unique in Current Bioogy by Peter Sterling
Think Tank:
A Review of Think Tank by Richard Cytowic in New York Journal of Books
“A Loving Touch” in Slate
“The Future of virtual sex” in The Wall Street Journal
"A Neuroscientist explains why we look at porn” in Vice/Motherboard
“In the future, your touchscreens will touch you back” in Wired
“How our sense of touch affects everything we do” in HuffPost Science, Carolyn Gregoire
“9 surprising facts about the sense of touch” in Vox, Joseph Stromberg
“Where itching comes from” book excerpt in The Atlantic
“How we sense the heat of chili peppers and the cool of menthol” excerpt in Scientific American
"Why we love back rubs, chili peppers and the sex from 50 Shades: David Linden on the strange science of touch” Q&A in Salon, Jenny Kutner
“The Neurobiology of BDSM sexual practice” in Psychology Today
“Book by Hopkins neuroscientist explains science of pain, tickling, pleasure” in the Baltimore Sun
Compass of Pleasure:
Room For Debate in the New York Times; "Is exercise addictive?
"Johns Hopkins neuroscientist David Linden explains the biology of pleasure" in the Baltimore Sun
"It's More Than a Feeling" Cover story in the Washington Post. Express Night Out
Nicholas Kristof's Op-Ed in the New York Times: "Addicted to Exercise?”
Op-Ed in the New York Times: "Addictive Personality? You Might Be A Leader.”
"Innovation in the game of love" Feature/ Q&A in the Washington Post by Emi Kolawale
Compass of Pleasure excerpt in The Daily Telegraph (UK)
"Navigating the Streets of Pleasure: An Interview with David J. Linden" in Forbes Magazine
"Mind Reading: How Pleasure Works" Q & A with Maia Szalavitz in Time Healthland
"Can a pill make you ... lose weight? fall in love? stop smoking" Feature in the New York Post
"Weiner, Straus-Kahn, Schwarzenegger: Are They Just Bad Boy Politicians Or Is It Their DNA?” HuffingtonPost”
Op-Ed piece: "Genetics drives obesity: so don't judge" in USA Today
Op-ed piece: "Why can't certain men control themselves?" in the Philadelphia Inquirer
"Compass of Pleasure: Sex, drugs and volunteer work" Interview in Salon.com
"Insane Science: 5 new books that explain the brain" Review/feature at National Public Radio
"10 books for a summer field trip" at Cosmic Log, MSNBC.com
"Three books on psychology" in the Washington Post
"Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana…and The Compass of Pleasure" Interview in the Kirkus Reviews Blog
"The Science of Satisfaction" Interview in wowowow.com
"This is your brain on drugs" Feature in Addiction Treatment Magazine
"Book says brain’s pleasure circuits same for all addictions" Feature in the Providence Journal
Interview at popularscience.co.uk
"Brain and Body in Pursuit of Pleasure" by Cliff Taylor Feature in the New Zealand Herald
"Pleasure's Paths" in Hopkins Medicine The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Alumni magazine
"Scientists who write, writers who do science" at hopkinsmedicine.org
Compass of Pleasure book excerpt in Scientific American [from the food chapter]
Interview on the neurobiology of inconsistency National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" [text and audio]
Op-Ed at Reuters "The Brain Science Behind Gambling With The Debt Ceiling"

Baltimore Sun staff photo by Barbara Haddock Taylor